The Gift Card ShopperThe Gift Card Shopper

5 Best Holiday Gift Card Ideas for Her

December 12, 2023

The Ultimate Guide to Selecting the Best Gift Card for Women

Do you spend countless hours roaming through the mall in search of the right gift for every person on your list? You’re not alone. Many shoppers end up settling on something out of frustration or time constraints. The holiday season is so much shorter than one ever anticipates. And those four weeks are bursting with activities. 

Despite best efforts, if you get it wrong, you’ll end up traveling from store to store, and waiting in lines (in store or at the post office) to return wrong sizes, wrong colors, and wrong items. 

Life is so busy. We get it. There are smarter, more productive ways to spend your precious time. The Gift Card Shop knows that and makes it stress-free and rewarding to get someone exactly what they want. 

See below guide for the best Gift Cards for women.


Vanilla® Visa®, Mastercard®, and American Express® Gift Cards

Awesome for busy women with lots to do.

Bank-issued Gift Cards are great, because they can be used anywhere Visa®, Mastercard®, or American Express® Cards are accepted (in the contiguous US). Busy ladies love these widely accepted Gift Cards. Pragmatists can use them for a haircut or groceries, and fabulists might use it on a pedicure or this season’s hottest accessory

Part of the gift is also the experience that comes with it. Who doesn’t love the excuse to shop for themselves? A Gift Card is an excuse for someone to “get something nice for yourself.” It's a license to put themselves first. Guilt-free. 

 Browse Visa®, Mastercard®, and American Express® Gift Cards.


Custom Gift Cards

Pro tip: Add an extra special touch by personalizing your Visa®, Mastercard®, and American Express® Gift Card and adding a custom photo. It’s so easy. Check out Create a Custom Design, and upload a photo from either your desktop or phone.


If you’re looking to order a brand gift card, your options are: 

Multi-Brand Gift Cards 

Ideal for women with specific interests.

Multi-brand Gift Cards are a new favorite among gift givers, because many women have categorical interests. Here’s how it works. There are about 10 different cards to choose from depending on her interests. For example, if you are shopping for a health enthusiast, the Happy & Healthy Gift Card would be ideal. She can redeem the card online for all of her favorites like an Athleta Gift Card, Jamba Juice Gift Card, and Spotify Gift Card. (Honestly, who doesn’t love the gift of music?)

Just to highlight, there is a Shop Til You Drop for the shopaholic, a Food & Drink for the foodie, a Study Break for the student, a Baby & Me for the new mom, and more.

Check out all of the Multi-Brand Gift Cards.


Department Store Gift Cards 

A favorite with women who love retail therapy.

Department stores cards have a fanbase following, and most women have their favorite. Pay attention to the gifting cues she drops when she declares, “Macy’s is having a sale next week” or  “I can’t get out of Target without buying half the store.” Department Store Gift Cards are basically a ticket to retail paradise. The best part? They're so versatile. With department store gift cards, you're giving them the VIP pass to a shopping spree where they can choose whatever their heart desires - fashion, home decor, gadgets, makeup. These cards are a gift, with a side of retail therapy.

Added bonus: If she loves bargain hunting after the holiday season, she will really enjoy a Department Store Gift Card. Those January sales are epic.

Browse all Department Store Gift Cards.


Experience Gift Cards 

Just right for that woman who doesn't like "stuff."

An Experience Gift Card is perfect for that woman who values experiences over material things. Some women just relish the joy of creating memories and could care less about stuff. If you have someone in your life you're looking to gift something truly memorable, choose an experience Gift Card. Give her an adventure waiting to be explored.

See Travel & Experience Gift Cards.


Health and Beauty Gift Cards 

Glorious for the ladies who love self care.

Health & Beauty Gifts Cards are great for someone who not only appreciates the power of self-care, but also loves experimenting with their look. Any teenager would be thrilled to receive an Ulta Beauty Gift Card to perfect her skincare routine. Girlfriends who get creative with makeup will be glamming it up around the holidays, and will cherish a Beauty Gift Card. It's a gift that's sure to bring a smile to her beautiful face.

Shop Health and Beauty Gift Cards


Being a Good Gift Giver 

Selecting the right gift can be easy. It just requires a little thought.

Remember to take mental notes of her interests and lifestyle so you can select the right gift for each woman in your life. With a little thought and just a few clicks, you can get it right every time.


Gift cards and good vibes!

The Gift Card Shopper